Professions from yesterday to today, The Toil of the People – Collective


Shape: 21×29
Pages: 136
ISBN: 978-960-98066-6-4
Publications: Cultural Society of Crete – Compass of the City

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Through the pages of the album ” Professions from yesterday to today, The Toil of Men” we attempt a retrospective of Greece that was lost but also of Greece that is constantly changing through daily work. A journey of self-knowledge, acquaintance with the world of our parents and grandparents that gives way sometimes nostalgically, sometimes dynamically and sometimes destructively to the reality of today that is happening with incredible speed yesterday.

The depiction of 54 photographers meets with archival material, forming a narrative with more than 300 photographs that capture a journey to a Greece that either no longer exists or is rapidly mutating.

At the same time, the album is a reading – a bridge between what is leaving with what could possibly dynamically replace it.