Panhellenic Student Competition

"Stories to be heard!"

[approval of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports Ref. No.: F.3/122504/ΓΔ4 / 30-10-2023]

The Chania Film Festival organizes a Student Competition on:
"Stories to be heard!"
The Competition is addressed to students of Primary Schools (grades C to F), Gymnasiums and Lyceums of Greece, public and private (school classes with the respective teacher or individual students).


The tendency to perceive the world through stories is evident in different cultures and historical periods, characterizing almost all areas of human perception, communication and creation. So many human stories evolve every day... Ours, our friends, our relatives, people we don't know. But we also hear stories about the past, about what they went through and fit into our memories. The recording, promotion and publication of stories gives voice to everyone to save his/her stories, to make them "in the public domain", to give added value to them by contributing to individual and collective memory. Because everyone's stories contribute to our common history! The recording of stories can be done by utilizing a variety of audiovisual media, giving the opportunity to cultivate skills in the production of sound, visual and audiovisual creations.

Students to implement digital, audio and / or audiovisual recordings of stories on proposed topics, referring to the community they live and act, as important elements of understanding their collectives, their multiple identities, the past and the present that unites them.

Students a/ acquire knowledge and skills for the production of a sound and / or audiovisual creation (use of tools, acquaintance and familiarization with codes of oral narration and recording/video recording, audiovisual literacy), b/ acquire skills to create and record stories with creative characteristics, on the occasion of a theme (cultivation of storytelling techniques and their application), c/ utilize digital recording of stories for the expression and understanding of emotions (emotional education), d/ make use of their own stock of knowledge and experiences, e/ feel part of a community of storytellers/researchers/creators of oral stories, f/ engage and highlight aspects of the intangible cultural heritage of their place.

November 2023 Registrations. November 2023-January 2024 Topic selection, research, selection of narrator/narrators, implementation of audiovisual familiarization activities, project design. January - March 2024 Interviewing students, editing and completing audio and/or audiovisual creation. March-April 2024 Upload of files (completed project) to an electronic platform. April-May 2024 Evaluation of deliverables - Announcement of awards.

Register by filling out the form below: https://forms.gle/npk1bE8cPgYQPcWFA

  • Stories about the school building (stories about the school building, the classroom, the schoolyard, classmates, lessons, textbooks, school items, school trips... every story of school life...)
  • Stories about gifts (stories about gifts we received, that we gave, that we would like to give, that we would like to receive, that we did not have time to give...)
  • Stories for groups (stories about groups that we will remember forever, stories about actions of a group in the neighborhood, at school, in the community, stories about groups lost in time...)
  • Stories from life (stories imprinted on the narrator from his/her life... everyday life, work, immigration, transportation, entertainment, leisure, volunteering...)
  • Nutrition stories (stories related to traditional products -oil, wine, herbs-, eating habits, food customs...)

* The role of storyteller can be students, teachers, parents and relatives of students and members of the wider community.

Deliverables are the sound and/or audiovisual creations of the students. The completed works are uploaded on the organizer's platform, in mp3, mp4 files and an accompanying file regarding the identity of the project (in word -.doc or .docx file), according to the Competition template. The evaluation criteria/indicators of the audio and audiovisual recordings of the Student Competition are:

  • content:proven ability to create clear messages and knowledge of the topic (balance, integration, clarity),
  • communication skills: originality about the communication techniques used,
  • technical skills: extent to which the potential of the history recording medium is exploited;
  • Recreational value: educational utilization and ease of listening / viewing.

The following prizes are awarded: (for each type of school separately -Elementary, Gymnasium, Lyceum)

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize for recorded history
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize for video history

The awards will be commemorative diplomas and books from the publications of the Chania Film Festival. For the school class, student group or student -Primary and Gymnasium- that will win the1st Prize in each category, one (1) three-day residency will be given (in the case of a school class or student group with a public draw), at the 12th Chania Film Festival [for 2 people, student and escort]. For the school class, student group or high school student, who will win the 1st Prize in each category, one (1) full FREE scholarship will be given (in the case of a school class or student group with a public draw) at the 3rd Summer School of the Chania Film Festival, in July 2024 https://summercamp.chaniafilmfestival.com/.