Direction: George Chr. Zervas
Scenario: George Chr. Zervas, Vangelis Papadakis
Director of Photography: Yiannis Panagiotakis
Editing: : George Chr. Zervas, Nikos Kefalogiannis
Production: E.R.T. S.A., Giorgos Zervas Film Productions
Country of production: Greece
Duration: 80 min
Production Year: 2021
Language: Greek
Subtitles: English
The documentary reflects the phenomenon of addiction and the function of rehab. It explores the transition from the interwar coercive system of dealing with addictions to an anthropocentric therapeutic framework of addiction, established for decades in our country: the Physical Detoxification Program "IANOS" and the Alternative Treatment Program for Addicted Persons (PETHEA) "ARGO", the Program for the Promotion of Self-Help, the Rehabilitation Program 18 Above.
George Zervas
George Zervas was born in 1960 in Prosymna, Argolida. He studied chemistry and film (Stavrakos Film School) in Athens. He then went to Paris where he pursued postgraduate studies in cinema (Sorbonne, Paris 1) taught by Eric Rohner and Jean Rouce and creative video (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratris-E.N.S.A.D) taught by Don Foresta. He now works as a director-producer in films and television.