Collaborative schools with Freinet pedagogy. Application procedures.


Shape: 51×29.7
Pages: 60
Publication Deadline: 2017
ISBN: 978-618-83056-0-1
Publication: Pedagogical group “To Skasiarcheio”


This book is a Guide to the application of Freinet Pedagogy in Public Education. The proposals for an open, free and collaborative school according to the principles, techniques and methodology of Freinet Pedagogy are presented and the steps for the development of the collaborative climate in the school and the functioning of the classroom as a community are described. This Guide is useful for teachers who wish to be trained and apply Freinet Pedagogy in their classroom and school, those who have already started with the “Network of Collaborative Schools with Freinet Pedagogy” and those who participate in the Pilot Program for the implementation of Freinet Pedagogy in Public Education.

The Pedagogical team “The Skasiarcheio – Experimental Palpations for a Community School” brings together people of letters and arts, teachers from the fields of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. Its purpose is the exchange of views, ideas and proposals for a free, open and collaborative public school, a community school where Celestin Freinet’s techniques, criticism and institutional pedagogy find their place. This book is the second in the series “Pedagogy – applications” in relation to Freinet Pedagogy and its application for a free, open and democratic school.

You can search for the book in your bookstore, all over Greece, or order it directly from our online store.