The community school with Freinet pedagogy


Shape: 51×29.7
Pages: 96
Publication Timeline: 2020
ISBN: 978-618-83056-7-0
Publication: Pedagogical group “To Skasiarcheio”


We aim for a community school. Starting with Freinet’s technique “What’s new?”, doing small children’s assemblies, working with the printing house, the outdoor classroom, the collective actions, the garden, the cooperative and the triptych class – yard – community, we start our day. Everyday life unites theory with practice and experimentation. The transition from writing to typography and the library, from the cultural environment to the media world and to the class council, is the central idea of the school – architecture laboratory for the production of subjectivity based on the scheme of subjectivity in Foucault inside/out. The aims of Institutional Pedagogy concern the support of Freinet techniques, the dialogue of critical thinking with traditional “norms”, active citizenship as a production of the public sphere, the use of supportive structures and services and de-schooling, with the relationship of children with the spaces inside and outside the school, with the method of participatory observation. Our goals concern multiple functional literacies (cognitive, emotional, visual, technological, political, reflective, social), with emphasis on intersectionality and criticism in curricula. We aim at the open, collaborative and cooperative school of the community. A (or many) school that refers to Critical Pedagogy, anti-Oedipus and antagonistic pedagogy, one that is against administration, as well as Institutional Pedagogy (Freinet, Freire, Lobrot, korczak, Guattari).

The Pedagogical team “The Skasiarcheio – Experimental Palpations for a Community School” brings together people of letters and arts, teachers from the fields of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. Its purpose is the exchange of views, ideas and proposals for a free, open and collaborative public school, a community school where Celestin Freinet’s techniques, criticism and institutional pedagogy find their place. This book is the fourth in the series “Pedagogy – applications” in relation to Freinet Pedagogy and its implementation for a free, open and democratic school.

You can search for the book in your bookstore, all over Greece, or order it directly from our online store.