Starting with Freinet pedagogy. Because; How;


Format: 14.8 x 20.7
Pages: 73
Publication Deadline: 2017
ISBN: 978-618-83056-1-8
Publication: Pedagogical group “To Skasiarcheio”


This project aspires to be a tool as close as possible to the interests and needs of each teacher, trainer, parent… who wishes to approach Freinet pedagogy. It also aspires to be a point of support for the beginning in the classroom, in the workplace, of a pedagogy (which in the first phase, undoubtedly, will not be called Freinet pedagogy) which will establish new paths of discovery, learning, autonomy for every child, every teenager. In our contact with this profession, we are marked by our journey, our experiences, our sensitivity. We are therefore entitled to enter from our personal path into a pedagogy that is characterized by complexity but also by coherence and wisdom. The texts of the book will allow you to form an idea of the Freinet pedagogy of today, its fundamental principles, but also a variety of approaches, tools, testimonies… Throughout the reading, some texts in separate contexts constitute the guiding web that aims to highlight some key points, some irreplaceable passages in the beginning of Freinet pedagogy. This project therefore includes at the same time possibilities to move on multiple levels: in terms of the class you are interested in, in terms of some basic principle that you want to work in your class, in terms of school, but also in terms of the curriculum! – although we honestly do not like this term in the context of a pedagogy that treats the child, the young person, in his universality. We know, however, that some will start there. Two levels of approach are possible: 1) a first tier (“starting”) intended for those who start, who begin to discover 2) a second tier (“deepening”) that allows at the same time a deepening of practices and continuity of reflection. This project is the product of collaborative work. A group of ICEM teachers selected documents suitable to illustrate aspects of Freinet pedagogy and organized them to allow the two reading routes. “Freinet pedagogy: ideas, a movement always in action and in constant evolution”.

The Pedagogical team “The Skasiarcheio – Experimental Palpations for a Community School” brings together people of letters and arts, teachers from the fields of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. Its purpose is the exchange of views, ideas and proposals for a free, open and cooperative public school, a community school where Célestin Freinet’s techniques, criticism and institutional pedagogy find their place. This book is the first in the series “Pedagogy – applications” in relation to Freinet Pedagogy and its application for a free, open and democratic school.

You can search for the book in your bookstore, all over Greece, or order it directly from our online store.