Roviros Manthoulis – His Own Way


Shape: 14×21
Pages: 80
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-618-5364-64-9
Publication: “Compass of the City” Publications for the Chania Film Festival


With passion and love, talent and technique, sensitive, creative, director,
writer, poet. An intellectual artist, he lived between Greece and France.
He was involved in theater, poetry, film, television and politics
as a way of life. The social documentary becomes dominant in his work and life.
It turns around recording history, almost all over the world, illuminates social phenomena
minorities and issues seeking solutions. He is distinguished by cinematic aesthetics
and problematic in almost all of his work. The multifaceted and rich in quality and
volume of work touches the man with respect.

This edition was conceived as a tribute to Roviros Manthoulis, whose state of affairs
brought so that he was no longer with us, at the time when the Film Festival
Chania was getting ready to welcome him. It was designed to get to know Roviros and
Let’s get into his footsteps a little bit, into his own path…